KVM is currently designed to interface with the kernel via a loadable kernel module. KVM目前设计为通过可加载的内核模块连接内核。
For this demonstration, you develop a simple loadable kernel module that invokes the API. 在该例中,首先开发了一个简单的调用API的可加载内核模块。
One example of a resource kernel implementation is CMU's Linux/ RK, which integrates a portable resource kernel into Linux as a loadable module. 资源内核法实现的一个示例是CMU公司的Linux/RK,它把可移植的资源内核集成到Linux中作为一个可加载模块。
AIX provides loadable authentication modules ( LAM) for handling user identification and authentication ( I& A). AIX提供了加载式验证模块(loadableauthenticationmodule,LAM)来处理用户的身份和验证(I&A)。
This year ( 2009), the NiLFS ( 2) file system entered the mainline kernel and can be enabled simply by installing its loadable module. 今年(2009),NiLFS(2)文件系统进入主流内核,可通过安装它的可装载模块方便地启用它。
These are called dynamically loadable kernel modules, and they can be inserted at boot when they're needed ( when a particular device is found requiring the module) or at any time by the user. 被称为动态可加载内核模块,它们可以在引导时根据需要(当前特定设备需要这个模块)或在任何时候由用户插入。
In this case, the hooks are defined in the loadable kernel module for SELinux. 在本例中,这些钩子在可载入的SELinux内核模块中定义。
With a single kernel loadable module, a Linux kernel running on virtualization-capable hardware is able to act as a hypervisor and support unmodified Linux and Windows guest operating systems. 通过一个可加载的内核模块,运行于可虚拟化的硬件上的Linux内核可以充当hypervisor并可支持未经修改的Linux和Windows客户操作系统。
Specify the name of a dynamically loadable module to load. 指定要引导的动态可引导模块名。
A module alias is an alternative name by which a loadable module can be known. 一个模块的别名是一个加载模块的另外一个名字。
Detailed Research of loadable module in Linux Linux可安装模块的研究
The researchers of the embedded real-time operation system focus on the Linux because of its openness of original code, its designs of loadable kernel module and high flexibility of kernel size. Linux操作系统的源代码开放、内核模块化设计及内核的高度可裁减性使其在嵌入式实时操作系统研究领域备受重视。
According to the mechanisms of Linux's loadable module and system call, the sources are analyzed and the method of getting audit information in Linux is determined. 通过分析Linux内核源代码,并根据Linux系统提供的内核可加载模块以及系统调用的机制,找出获取Linux审计信息的方法。
Introduce the Linux loadable kernel module, and how to use LKM to implement the security Linux operating system. 分析Linux操作系统安全增强的主要内容和可行性;详细介绍如何利用可加载内核模块技术实现Linux操作系统安全增强。
Such method was implemented on Linux with techniques of loadable kernel module and system call interception. 现已在Linux上通过可装入内核模块和系统调用截获技术验证了该方法。
This paper discusses the method to realize new scheduling policy with Loadable Kernel Module ( LKM) after analyzing the process of scheduling and the technology of LKM. Then an example about Linux scheduling module is given. 文章通过分析Linux中的进程调度过程以及Linux模块实现技术,探讨了采用模块技术实现新的调度策略的方法,并给出了具体的实现例子。
The result is given as Linux loadable module. 最后以Linux下可加载模块的形式给出了实现的结果。
Using Loadable Kernel Module to Strengthen Access Control of Operation System 利用可装载内核模块加强操作系统访问控制的方法
TRENDS Development of Linux Loadable Kernel Module Linux内核动态模块开发分析
Loadable kernel module is one of key Anti-Honeypot technologies. 可加载内核模块技术是蜜罐识别系统的核心技术之一。
With Linux loadable kernel module technique and system call interception, an extension to security auditing mechanism of Linux shell is implemented in this paper, and then some examples are given for security monitoring with the new mechanism. 利用可装入内核模块和系统调用劫持技术实现了对LinuxShell安全审计机制的扩展,并给出了用其进行安全监测的例子。
Connecting with kernel cutting, using modularized programming and loadable kernel module mechanism of Linux, some rules are give that decide what module will be compiled in the kernel. 通过可加载内核模块机制进行最小内核的定制,提出内核模块选择的基本原则;